Saturday 2 April 2016

The Youlgrave Beekeeping Group AGM will be on Thursday 7th April at 7.30pm Mary Turner's Home.  Phone her on 07765 671844 for details.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Although we've not blogged for a while -

The Youlgrave Beekeepers are very still very active.
Members come and go and the core people remain.

A new beekeeping course has just been held in the village on Feb 27th under the umbrella of the DBKA.
 Another is due to be held in the summer.
 This is a complete beginner's course lasting one day.
It covers the essentials of beginning beekeeping, helping to decide if it is for you, what is involved, acquiring bees, equipment, the cycle of the bees, honey, costs, problems and support.

 Joining the DBKA or BBKA is advised.

If you are interested and want to have some hands on practice to see if you like it all, then ring Jeni on 636550
or Judith on 630202
 and come and join us when we inspect our hives during the Spring, Summer and Autumn.

Most of our members who originally trained with the group now are successful beekeepers around the area, with their own hives.
A few of the original group chose to look after the group hives only.
We mix and help each other as needed in these jobs and supporting each other.
 If you joined our group, you would get the same support.

Friday 4 April 2014

We had our MARCH meeting.
This is the summary of the minutes.
 Our next meeting could be our first inspection, depending on the weather . . .  so meet at the Apiary.

2.  Planning ahead.
 For bee inspections when the weather is bad and decisions have to be made quickly it can be done by text 

3.  Recording.  We will stick with paper records as a regular thing.  We are grateful to Judith for transferring everything to computer but some people have trouble opening her spreadsheet - this needs some work before it is useful.

4.  New members.  We agreed to put our group on to the Bugle contact list with a note saying 'new members welcome'. Regular articles are a good outreach.  We will re-visit whether or not the web site is of value at our next meeting.

5  Numbering of hives.  To avoid confusion we agreed that hives should be numbered on the stand (not the hive) and the numbers will go from 1 nearest the gate to 5 nearest the wall.

6.  And finally :  the Bakewell Green Festival, Saturday 12th July at the Agricultural Centre.  It was agreed that we would borrow the Derbyshire Beekeepers  demonstration hive (subject to availability -  and take it in turns to look after the stall. 

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Just attended the DBKA monthly meeting n Crich when we had a good lecture on Bee Diseases and treatment by Ivor Clark.

MARCH 2014

Beginning of MARCH 2014
We've checked the bees after a mild but very wet and windy winter.
 All the colonies are alive. We are waiting for the warmer weather to open, check and clean them for the Spring.